Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How To Buy A Garage Door

On the surface, the idea of buying a new garage door doesn't sound that complicated. In reality, there are a lot of choices you need to make when it comes to picking the perfect door for your home. There are a plethora of materials to choose from, and then you must choose a look that you think will match well with your existing garage and home. People have become more cost-conscious lately. You need to keep price in mind because it is the price, in part, that will determine which door you end up with. If you are considering purchasing a new garage door, keep the following in mind.

ALUMINUMSafety Concerns with Garage DoorsFIBERGLASSNo matter what material your garage door is made of, it should be washed regularly. If you have a wood door, you should repaint the door every other year to ensure that the wood stays protected. If you have a steel door, you can give it a yearly shine with car waxWhat should my Garage Door be made of?It is imperative that the door be cleaned and dried thoroughly before any painting begins. Using a hose, an abrasive cleaner, and a rough scrub brush, clean the entire side of the door that is to be painted. Make sure to get any oil or grease that has collected entirely cleaned off; otherwise the paint won't stick and there will be bubbling and peeling problems. It is okay for the surface of the garage door to be slightly abraded during this process as it will allow the paint to stick better.STEEL

Fiberglass is probably the least popular of the materials listed here, but it is still used throughout the world in places where salt air corrosion is an issue. Fiberglass is light weight, affordable, and easily installed, but it can yellow, crack, and break down faster than any of the above materials. It is not a good material to use in places where cold is an issue, but if you have a bungalow on the ocean in a tropical environment, then you probably want to go with this material. One more warning: fiberglass doesn't offer the best for insulation use.

Author: Doron Kim

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