Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Roo lookalike nabbed

POLICE quickly netted a hapless raider - after a witness said he was a dead ringer for Wayne Rooney.

All three finally fled emptyhanded, Newcastle Crown Court heard. But Mr Dawson spoke to police answering a panic alarm and the teenager was soon under arrest."He described him as looking like a younger version of Wayne Rooney," said Susan Hirst, prosecuting.He admitted attempting to burgle the Total Garage in Southwick, Sunderland, last November. "Thanks to the description police had no trouble finding him," said Stuart Graham, defending.The teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was given a two-year community order with a threemonth curfew and supervision.He tried to distract lone cashier Mark Dawson while his accomplices kicked and hammered in vain to break down a door.The 17-year-old was part of a three man gang who targeted a petrol station late at night."Police located him a short distance from the garage."

Brian Redman, 27, of Coldstream Avenue, Sunderland, was given a 50-week jail sentence suspended for two years with supervision and drug rehabilitation after admitting the attempted garage raid.

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