Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How To Adjust or Replace Garage Door Weather Stripping

Our garages have fast become one of the most important places in our homes.Just like the basement,the garage has gone from a place where we might store a few things,but otherwise neglect,to becoming a vitally important workshop,TV room, and laundry room.Keeping our garage warm is much more important today than it used to be.If you are looking for ways to save on your energy bill,you may want to consider installing some weather stripping.It should only take you a few minutes and you will not need a hardware store full of tools,either.

Home improvement retailers are also worth your time and energy to check out. Although, you may find that there usually are not as many options offered and there is via the internet. The main benefit there is from purchasing from the do it yourself retail store is that you can get installation done at an economical price.For garage door installation and repair needs, call A1 Garage Door Services. They provide repair and installation of all types of doors and they can also fix you up with garage door openers. They provide Genie Garage Door Openers, one of the most trusted brands of openers. If you're in the Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, New Port Richey, or Tampa area, they are your garage door repair service vendor.If your garage door has a bottom channel that allows for old weather stripping to be slid out and new weather stripping to be slid in,it only takes a second to replace the old with the new.If your door does not have such a channel,open your door to a comfortable working height and use a 2x4 to keep it open.If your door is made out of wood,you want to seal it,so consider adding a coat of sealant before you nail on the new stripping.Cut out the piece of stripping and be sure that you attach it with the thick side out.Use roofing nails to attach the stripping,or just use the nails that come with the kit you bought.

Here are some final tips before you finish up.Make a point of checking on your garage door weather stripping in a few days after installation.You want to make sure that nothing is getting in the way of the garage door opening or closing.It is not that weather stripping is so expensive you cannot just replace a piece if you have a problem,but you need to look out for the motor so that you are not putting too much stress on it every time you leave your home.Done correctly,good garage door weather stripping can save you considerable cash on your next heating bill.

Author: Doron Kim

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