Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Elephant in the Living Room

The Elephant in the

How many picture perfect days can you count on in a year? Then there is the sad fact that, with each year that passes your old garage door seems to get heavier and heavier. It does not take many wet, cold winters before the charm of an old-fashioned manual door wears off. Fortunately for you and your back, there is a full range of automatic garage doors, including one that is perfect for your home.If you love the look of your old stained wood door, there are custom wood garage doors available. When maintaining the style of your home is a priority, these doors can be made in the design and color of your old doors. Custom garage doors help retain the look of your historic home. They will also add old-fashioned charm to your newer one.DO NOT leave car keys in an obvious place, make it as hard as possible for the thief. Take your car keys to bed with you. New cars have very sophisticated locks, immobilisers and other security devices and the only way to start the vehicle is to have the key. Thieves are selecting cars they want to steal from outside houses. They will look for any opportunity to steal keys that are left hanging up in the kitchen or hallway or left on the table - and will actually target them. It is therefore vital that householders do hide the keys from view. Make sure that you take other simple crime prevention measures to ensure that they don't become victims of sneak-in thieves or burglary, such as remembering not to leave doors and windows unlocked.

Don't be misled: The only animals you'll see in a living room in this doc are a cougar and a Burmese python. (The runaway-slitheraway?--Gabon viper is nabbed in a garage.) Director Michael Webber's fastmoving, bittersweet film reveals a world of dangerous and entirely unregulated pets (lions, tigers, bears) raised behind closed doors. Much of the action takes place in suburban Ohio, a state that rivals parts of Florida for nuisance alligators. Hidden cameras rolling, we attend a reptile show where dads cart off snakes that could devour their offspring. But the real drama lies in the interplay between a passionate cop who moonlights as an exotic-animal rescuer and a sympathetic sadsack who can't bear to part with his full-grown African lions. The cat owner's tear-jerking travails drive home the filmmaker's point better than any finger-wagging activist ever could.--Michael Mechanic

Author: Michael Mechanic

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